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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Had to do something with all the rest of that bacon!

This is not an Abby/Betty Project recipe, but I had to post pics. I had to do something with the remaining bacon and the 2 eggs we had left in the fridge, so I made strawberry pancakes and bacon. I accidentally started making strawberry pancakes because we had some strawberries we needed to eat one day, so I cut them up and put them in my usual Quaker Oatmeal Pancake Mix pancakes. It makes a pretty pancake, and Shane and I agree they're tastier than blueberry pancakes!

Another organic thing that is worth buying in my opinion: Organic Maple Syrup. I recently discovered that Aunt Jemima's Syrup is high fructose corn syrup with some maple-y flavoring mixed in. That grossed me out, so I switched to Organic Maple Syrup. Even though it costs like $10 as compared to Aunt Jemima's $1.50, it tastes way better and requires much less syrup to make pancakes taste good. Shane doesn't even eat syrup on the strawberry pancakes though, because he says the strawberries make them sweet enough.

Does anybody know what you're supposed to do with bacon grease? The bacon produced a ton of grease, and I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to pour it down the sink. For now we poured it in a jar. I'm not to the point where I want to keep it to season things... I don't know if I'll ever get to that point.


  1. i pour bacon grease off the back of my deck. one day i'll probably burn my house down....

  2. Isn't it time for new recipes? I'm waiting...
