Last night I baked hamburger buns (for the pulled pork sandwiches tomorrow) and cut up carrots, celery, and onion for the crock pot chicken noodle soup. I put the hamburger buns in the freezer last night and this morning I just dumped the chopped veggies and the other ingredients into the crock pot right before work. I came home to our apartment smelling deliciously of chicken soup!!
I learned this today: if you are making chicken noodle soup, use chicken with bones in for more flavor! This recipe called for boneless, skinless chicken thighs, so I used that. Over the course of today (with my chicken noodle soup already happily bubbling in my crock pot) I learned from a good cook and a chef that you either have to use bones in or use chicken broth. This made our soup a little bland, but still yummy!
It's getting to where everything we eat is homemade. That's got to be a diet right? The all-homemade diet? I feel like that would work well to keep everything in moderation: you can only eat what you can make from scratch. I googled all-homemade diet and mainly found posts about pet food... Weird! As for me, I'm cool with eating delicious homemade food while my cats eat their Meow Mix. They seem to like it; they eat a LOT of it!
I like to slow cook an entire chicken with water and a bullioun cube. Then I save half the broth and chicken for soup and freeze the rest... Yum.